Accessibility to Quality Education from Grassroots
The accessibility to quality education starts by working from the grassroots level. There exists a lack of trained teachers, poor conditions of schools, gender discrimination, and fewer opportunities for rural children. SYNE works at bridging these gaps by collaborating and helping organisations mobilise resources to ensure quality education for all.
Start a ProjectDigital Classrooms
SYNE envisions to provide internet access in primary schools, which is only accessible to 16% of the population in the least developed countries.
Skill Development
SYNE supports implementation partners to provide skill development classes, as it ensures professional growth and a successful career with financial stability.
Special Education
SYNE makes continuous efforts through collaboration with stakeholders to improve the quality of education for students with special needs.
Social Innovation
SYNE facilitates entrepreneurs develop socially responsible projects and empower the underprivileged access quality education.
Creating accessibility to Education and Social Innovations
Despite incessant effort, 263 million children, i.e., one in every five children is out of school.
SYNE envisions, ensuring quality education to all and bring them back to school.
Educational Scholarships
SYNE collaborates with social enterprises to provide educational scholarships, which would motivate and serve as a means to continue their education
Learning Infrastructure
SYNE is working to provide an adequate school infrastructure that will ensure the overall well-being of the child and the resources for holistic learning
Teacher Training
SYNE works with educationalists to develop student-training modules and workshops to equip teachers with skills and creative thinking to effectively interact with students
Hygiene and Energy
SYNE strives to provide access to electricity and sanitation facilities through the aid of social responsibility funds and not-for-profit organisations
Girl Child Education
Girls face barriers to education caused by poverty, cultural norms and practices. SYNE promotes gender equality with
quality education
Awareness Programs
SYNE is associating with partnering organisations to conduct awareness programs on critical issues concerning the next generation, and the world
Quality Education
Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive, healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and should be available to all.
Right to Education
Through surveys conducted by UNICEF, it was found that 44% of girls and 34% of boys between the age 10 and 19 from underprivileged families have never attended school or have dropped out before completing primary education. SYNE along with our partners desire to transform the conception of the right to quality education to all into a reality by intervening at the root level.
Mental well-being
The common mental disorders that affect a child include depression and other behavioural disorders. However, access to mental health treatment is extremely limited and this could lead to other problems for the child, family, school and communities. SYNE is concerned about the overall well-being of a child, which would further lead to academic success and retention of students.
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